The Project

The Project

YAE purposes

Young Artists Empowerment (YAE) provides young artists with marketing competencies addressed to exploit their artistic profile from the theoretical, but also a practical point of view.

To reach this goal, YAE creates:

  • a Marketing course accessible on a Web-App, which contents are based on Nanolearning;
  • an international network of young artists in Spain, France, and Austria.

Thanks to the Marketing course, young artists have the opportunity to acquire Knowledge & Skills to exploit their artistic profile.
Through the International Network, they have the chance to exhibit in France, Spain, and Austria, enhancing cooperation with other artists in Europe.

Expected Results

To implement an online Marketing course on a Web-App,
To implement an online Marketing course on a Web-App,

accessible to everybody and based on Nanolearning.

To create an international network for young artists,
To create an international network for young artists,

offering exhibition opportunities in Spain, France and Austria.

To create the entrepreneurial artists’ mindset,
To create the entrepreneurial artists’ mindset,

providing young artists with Marketing Knowledge & Skills.

To increase the opportunities in the labour market,
To increase the opportunities in the labour market,
in terms of employment and self-employment.